Welcome to our Church webpage! Thank you for taking a moment to visit our website and learn about us. The Morristown Church of Christ is a nondenominational family of believers who have been united by the blood of Jesus. While our church wears the name “Church of Christ” on the front of our building, we belong to no religious affiliation or denomination. As an independent body of believers, we commonly strive to follow Jesus as Lord of our lives and wish to share Him with as many others as possible.
We don’t claim to be sinless or perfect in any way, just forgiven. We are committed to the Bible as God’s timeless & inspired Word and look to its direction for our lives. It’s with that direction that we seek to pattern our lives after the example of Jesus and to fulfill His eternal purpose for us. As the spiritual embodiment of Christ, the church strives to continue His work on earth and spread His message of good news to all.
We don’t claim to be sinless or perfect in any way, just forgiven. We are committed to the Bible as God’s timeless & inspired Word and look to its direction for our lives. It’s with that direction that we seek to pattern our lives after the example of Jesus and to fulfill His eternal purpose for us. As the spiritual embodiment of Christ, the church strives to continue His work on earth and spread His message of good news to all.