Kids 0-11 years
We have classes for kids on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings for ages 0-11 years. Our children are broken into smaller classes based on their age and each group is led in a time of story telling, games, and crafts by teachers who love God and are excited to share His Word with your child. We'd love for you to join us! Teens
Morristown Youth Teens (12y+) will be led by various teachers. We have classes Sunday mornings at 9:30am and on Wednesdays at 7pm. In our classes we endeavor to explore a variety of subjects that help students connect their personal life to a life of faith through the lens of God's word. Adults
Sunday Mornings at 9:30am Auditorium Class: Topic: Blessed to Bless Teacher: David W., Jim D., & John D. Mustard Seeds Class: Topic: Gender Teacher: Blaine K. Wednesday Evenings at 7pm: Teacher: Jonah J. Topic: Nehemiah |