In Lesson 3, we learned that those who were distorting the truth of the gospel (Gal. 1:6-9) were jeopardizing the unity which should exist between Jews and Gentiles. Notice the phrase, "should exist." Attaining unity between and among humans is an elusive goal, so much so, that we are often tempted to accept a "watered-down" version of unity or to simply abandon all efforts in that regard. The gospel demonstrates to us the lengths to which God is willing to go to re-unite us to Him and us to one another. He wants us to be one, one with Him and one with each other. Paul is not finished with this subject. He has much more to say about it as we continue through Galatians. Paul is not finished, and we should not be either.
Unity between humans requires that we deal with the reality of our lives and to view ourselves and others honestly. In Lesson 4, we will continue in Galatians 2 as we discuss:
The Gospel is True. Are We? (Gal. 3:11-21)
Unity between humans requires that we deal with the reality of our lives and to view ourselves and others honestly. In Lesson 4, we will continue in Galatians 2 as we discuss:
The Gospel is True. Are We? (Gal. 3:11-21)