Even Jesus talked about parents’ ability to give good gifts in Matthew 7:7-11. In doing so, he compares us to our Heavenly Father. Do you want to give good gifts to children today? Here is a list of gift idea that will bless any child at any time:
Time Too many children today have time at the top of their wish list. They need undivided time and attention of the adults in their lives, time to be a kid, and time that is not filled with busyness. Time is one gift we all possess in equal measures, but it is also a gift we unthinkingly throw away (James 4:13-17).
Play Although Jesus is making a bigger point in Matthew 11:16-17, his point is based on the fact that children are made to play. Free play stimulates creativity, promotes physical health, and when done with others, it builds social skills.
Less Stuff We often think about what more to get kids. Maybe the best thing we can get them is less stuff, and in doing so, teach them that life does not consist in the abundance of things. Such a mindset will cost one’s soul (Luke 12:13-21).
Responsibility If the transformation from child to adult does not happen overnight, neither should the expectation of responsibility. Low expectations of children and teenagers may make life easier for them in the short-term, but in the long-term, it is setting them up for delayed adulthood. Just as God wants us to grow up, we should want our children to mature appropriately too (1 Corinthians 13:11).
Discipline Do you want to be a good parent? Then be like the best parent. God’s discipline in Hebrews 12:7-11 is more about instruction and less about punishment. When we practice instructional discipline with our children, we are blessing their lives with something for their good.
Service One of the best truths we can teach our children is that the world is not all about them. One of the best ways to learn or be reminded that the world is not all about you is through service to others (Matthew 20:25-28).
Worship “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1) is difficult for children who do not worship God regularly. By having our children among the church consistently, we set their lives and hearts on a path directed towards God.
The Gospel Each person makes the decision to come to Christ on his/her own, but parents can put the Gospel at the forefront of our homes. If our children have the Gospel, there is no other gift that can take its place.