Morristown Church of Christ is journeying together in 2017 through "The Story" - a chronological study of the Bible. Each week a devotional like the one below is provided to guide individuals and families through the Bible. These can be used for personal reflection and conversations among families. We hope this 2nd devotional of the series blesses you.
Beginning Activity: With your children, diagram your family tree beginning with their names at the bottom of the page and go up each generation as far as you can. Use this to illustrate how God’s promise to Abraham led to the births of Isaac, Jacob (and Esau), and Jacob’s 12 sons who then gave rise to the tribes of Israel.
Alternative Activity: In addition to or in place of the activity above, go outside on a night when you can see the stars. Try counting (or have your children count) the stars. How many did you count? This is what God had Abraham do in Genesis 15.
Read Genesis 15:1-6
Devotional: Before his named was changed to Abraham, an old man named Abram was given a vision by the Lord one night. Abram and his wife Sarah had never been able to have children. On this night, however, God took Abram outside and asked him to count the stars. Then God said, “This is how many children you will have.” The Bible says that Abram believed God. The word “faith” means trusting in what God has said. When he is known as Abraham - at the age of 100! - Abraham and his wife Sarah were blessed by the birth of the son that God promised them. His name was Isaac. Isaac would have children, and those children would have children. Many, many years later the family tree of Abraham would lead to the birth of another son of promise - Jesus.
Read Galatians 3:29
By believing in Jesus, we too get to be a part of Abraham’s family of faith. That means that we are like one of those many stars that God had Abram count in the sky on that night so very long ago. Abraham did not know how God would keep all of His promises, but Abraham knew that God would. That is the same kind of faith we can have in our lives.
DISCUSSION: What are some of God’s promises that you have a hard time believing? How can God’s promises to Abraham help you believe in all of His promises to us?
Song: Father Abraham
Prayer: In your prayer, thank God for being a promise-keeper and allowing us to share in His promise to Abraham through Jesus.
Beginning Activity: With your children, diagram your family tree beginning with their names at the bottom of the page and go up each generation as far as you can. Use this to illustrate how God’s promise to Abraham led to the births of Isaac, Jacob (and Esau), and Jacob’s 12 sons who then gave rise to the tribes of Israel.
Alternative Activity: In addition to or in place of the activity above, go outside on a night when you can see the stars. Try counting (or have your children count) the stars. How many did you count? This is what God had Abraham do in Genesis 15.
Read Genesis 15:1-6
Devotional: Before his named was changed to Abraham, an old man named Abram was given a vision by the Lord one night. Abram and his wife Sarah had never been able to have children. On this night, however, God took Abram outside and asked him to count the stars. Then God said, “This is how many children you will have.” The Bible says that Abram believed God. The word “faith” means trusting in what God has said. When he is known as Abraham - at the age of 100! - Abraham and his wife Sarah were blessed by the birth of the son that God promised them. His name was Isaac. Isaac would have children, and those children would have children. Many, many years later the family tree of Abraham would lead to the birth of another son of promise - Jesus.
Read Galatians 3:29
By believing in Jesus, we too get to be a part of Abraham’s family of faith. That means that we are like one of those many stars that God had Abram count in the sky on that night so very long ago. Abraham did not know how God would keep all of His promises, but Abraham knew that God would. That is the same kind of faith we can have in our lives.
DISCUSSION: What are some of God’s promises that you have a hard time believing? How can God’s promises to Abraham help you believe in all of His promises to us?
Song: Father Abraham
Prayer: In your prayer, thank God for being a promise-keeper and allowing us to share in His promise to Abraham through Jesus.