Morristown Church of Christ is journeying together in 2017 through "The Story" - a chronological study of the Bible. Each week a devotional like the one below is provided to guide individuals and families through the Bible. These can be used for personal reflection or for conversations among families. We hope this 8th devotional of the series blesses you. Please check our archives for previous devotionals and other articles.
Opening Conversation: Describe a time when you felt all alone or when you felt like no one was with you. How did that feel? Were you scared? Were you sad? Were you angry? Can you name any Bible characters who felt like they were all alone?
Introduction: In the times of the book of Judges, many of the Israelites lived in sin and were not sorry for it. In fact, the book ends with these words in Judges 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Doing what is right in your own eyes often leads you to doing wrong because you don’t think about what is right in God’s eyes. When things would get so bad in Judges, God would save them through a special leader called a judge. One of them was named Gideon.
Read Judges 6:12-13
Devotional: God called Gideon to lead Israel during one of its worst times. Through an angel, God first said to Gideon, “The Lord is with you.” Gideon had a hard time believing that because so many bad things had happened in Israel. Do you ever wonder if God is with you? If so, why?
Read Judges 6:14-16
As Gideon thought about how God expected him to lead Israel, all he could think about was his weaknesses. His family was not very important in Israel, and he was the youngest of his brothers and sisters. Surely God did not want someone like Gideon leading Israel, right? Instead of looking at his weakness, God wanted Gideon to know one thing - “I will be with you.” God proved to Gideon that He was with him in Judges 7. First, God had Gideon get rid of all of his army except for 300 soldiers. Then God gave special instructions for battle in which the soldiers’ weapons would be trumpets, jars, and torches.
Read Judges 7:19-23
God gave Gideon instructions for battle that no person would have ever thought of, and it worked! In the same way, God gives us instructions today through his Word. Just as God was with Gideon when he obeyed God, God will be with us when we obey Him.
DISCUSSION: When you feel alone, how can you know God is with you?
Prayer: In your prayer, thank God for always being with you and watching over you. Ask for His help to be brave in doing what is right.
Opening Conversation: Describe a time when you felt all alone or when you felt like no one was with you. How did that feel? Were you scared? Were you sad? Were you angry? Can you name any Bible characters who felt like they were all alone?
Introduction: In the times of the book of Judges, many of the Israelites lived in sin and were not sorry for it. In fact, the book ends with these words in Judges 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Doing what is right in your own eyes often leads you to doing wrong because you don’t think about what is right in God’s eyes. When things would get so bad in Judges, God would save them through a special leader called a judge. One of them was named Gideon.
Read Judges 6:12-13
Devotional: God called Gideon to lead Israel during one of its worst times. Through an angel, God first said to Gideon, “The Lord is with you.” Gideon had a hard time believing that because so many bad things had happened in Israel. Do you ever wonder if God is with you? If so, why?
Read Judges 6:14-16
As Gideon thought about how God expected him to lead Israel, all he could think about was his weaknesses. His family was not very important in Israel, and he was the youngest of his brothers and sisters. Surely God did not want someone like Gideon leading Israel, right? Instead of looking at his weakness, God wanted Gideon to know one thing - “I will be with you.” God proved to Gideon that He was with him in Judges 7. First, God had Gideon get rid of all of his army except for 300 soldiers. Then God gave special instructions for battle in which the soldiers’ weapons would be trumpets, jars, and torches.
Read Judges 7:19-23
God gave Gideon instructions for battle that no person would have ever thought of, and it worked! In the same way, God gives us instructions today through his Word. Just as God was with Gideon when he obeyed God, God will be with us when we obey Him.
DISCUSSION: When you feel alone, how can you know God is with you?
Prayer: In your prayer, thank God for always being with you and watching over you. Ask for His help to be brave in doing what is right.