Last year I came across the sad story of 67-year-old Poor Wu Chen of China. Five years ago, Mr. Chen buried his life savings (approximately $5,400 US) in the ground because he didn’t trust his local bank. When the time came to make a “withdrawal” last year, he discovered that much of his money had been devoured by worms and bugs. He thought he had taken the right precautions to prevent such a situation, but those precautions proved fruitless.
In Matthew 6:19, Jesus said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
Poor Wu Chen illustrates the truth of Jesus’ words all too well. You and I may react to Mr. Chen’s story by saying, “He should have just put his money in the bank,” or “He should have used a better container for storing it.” If so, we would miss the lesson of his example.
Treasures on earth and treasures in earth will decay, be left for others, or lose their value. Whether you have five thousand dollars, five billion dollars, or no money at all, each of us will leave this earth with nothing. He who dies with the most toys in many ways will be the greatest loser of all because he left the most behind.
What kind of investment are you seeking? If you pursue this earth’s treasures, they all guarantee the same return – nothing. If you pursue heaven’s treasures, they guarantee an eternal return of love, joy, and peace. We each will receive the treasure we pursue, but only a life given to God holds eternal value. Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven. If you do, you will be blessed and you will bless others along the way.
In Matthew 6:19, Jesus said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
Poor Wu Chen illustrates the truth of Jesus’ words all too well. You and I may react to Mr. Chen’s story by saying, “He should have just put his money in the bank,” or “He should have used a better container for storing it.” If so, we would miss the lesson of his example.
Treasures on earth and treasures in earth will decay, be left for others, or lose their value. Whether you have five thousand dollars, five billion dollars, or no money at all, each of us will leave this earth with nothing. He who dies with the most toys in many ways will be the greatest loser of all because he left the most behind.
What kind of investment are you seeking? If you pursue this earth’s treasures, they all guarantee the same return – nothing. If you pursue heaven’s treasures, they guarantee an eternal return of love, joy, and peace. We each will receive the treasure we pursue, but only a life given to God holds eternal value. Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven. If you do, you will be blessed and you will bless others along the way.