Beginning Activity: Have a conversation with your family about what makes something right or wrong. Is it ok to do something wrong if you know you won’t get caught? Is it ok to break one of God’s commands if everyone thinks it is ok or if they are all doing it? Is it ok to sin if it is something that won’t “hurt” anyone else? For example, would it be ok to take one piece of candy from someone who had so much candy that they would never miss it? After your children answer these questions, ask them what makes something right or wrong.
Devotional: Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Even though parents should not have favorites, Joseph was Jacob’s favorite. This made his brothers so jealous that one day they sold him as a slave to people who took Joseph to Egypt. Joseph’s life in Egypt started in the house of a very important man named Potiphar. Even though he was a slave, Joseph was a very good and dedicated worker for Potiphar, and Potiphar trusted Joseph with everything he owned. One day when Potiphar wasn’t around, his wife tried to get Joseph to be her husband instead. Joseph knew this was wrong, and this is what he said to Potiphar’s wife . . .
Read Genesis 39:9-10
Joseph knew that what Potiphar’s wife wanted him to do was wrong. Even if Potiphar never found out, it was wrong. Even if no one else ever knew about it, it was wrong. Even if some people thought it was ok, it was wrong. Acting like this woman’s husband was wrong because God said so, and that is all that really matters. The Bible tells us that Potiphar’s wife kept trying and trying to get Joseph to sin. So one day, Joseph did what you sometimes have to do when other people want you to sin — He ran away from Potiphar’s wife. Then she lied about Joseph and got him put in prison for something he didn’t do!
Read Genesis 39:20-21
Even though people lied about Joseph, God was pleased with Joseph and watched over him all throughout his life. Even if people mistreat us or make fun of us when we choose to do what is right, we can know that God always watches over us too. We can have confidence that God sees everything and always keeps His promises.
DISCUSSION: Why is it sometimes hard to do the right thing? What can we do when it feels hard to do what is right?
Prayer: In your prayer, thank God for always watching over us and ask for His help so that we make good decisions and obey His commandments.
Devotional: Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Even though parents should not have favorites, Joseph was Jacob’s favorite. This made his brothers so jealous that one day they sold him as a slave to people who took Joseph to Egypt. Joseph’s life in Egypt started in the house of a very important man named Potiphar. Even though he was a slave, Joseph was a very good and dedicated worker for Potiphar, and Potiphar trusted Joseph with everything he owned. One day when Potiphar wasn’t around, his wife tried to get Joseph to be her husband instead. Joseph knew this was wrong, and this is what he said to Potiphar’s wife . . .
Read Genesis 39:9-10
Joseph knew that what Potiphar’s wife wanted him to do was wrong. Even if Potiphar never found out, it was wrong. Even if no one else ever knew about it, it was wrong. Even if some people thought it was ok, it was wrong. Acting like this woman’s husband was wrong because God said so, and that is all that really matters. The Bible tells us that Potiphar’s wife kept trying and trying to get Joseph to sin. So one day, Joseph did what you sometimes have to do when other people want you to sin — He ran away from Potiphar’s wife. Then she lied about Joseph and got him put in prison for something he didn’t do!
Read Genesis 39:20-21
Even though people lied about Joseph, God was pleased with Joseph and watched over him all throughout his life. Even if people mistreat us or make fun of us when we choose to do what is right, we can know that God always watches over us too. We can have confidence that God sees everything and always keeps His promises.
DISCUSSION: Why is it sometimes hard to do the right thing? What can we do when it feels hard to do what is right?
Prayer: In your prayer, thank God for always watching over us and ask for His help so that we make good decisions and obey His commandments.